Wednesday 22 June 2016

"exam" (or something)

1. a) Which project did you enjoy the most this semester? (1 mark)
I most enjoyed the culminating activity. 
    b) What two things did you like about it? (2 marks)
I really liked making the still image of game play. It was really fun trying to put armor on one of my friends and finding the perfect weapon for him. It was also extremely fun trying to decide on an enemy to make him fight and finally choosing to make him fight the Lorax. One of the most dangerous creatures around. Another thing I really liked about the activity was just brainstorming ideas for everything. This was the project I really got in to and I loved just about every second of working on it.
2. a) Which project did you struggle with the most? (1 mark)
I think I most struggled on the "CaNew Friends on the Grand" logo making.
    b) What two things were most difficult about it? (2 marks)
I didn't really know what it was so I couldn't really think of anything to represent it best. I just threw stuff together and submitted it without thinking. I knew it was bad but I did it anyway. I also struggled with making the logos in the first place. The program (Adobe Illustrator) was just really annoying to use at some times. It wasn't really hard it was just slightly frustrating. When the computer decided it wanted to go slower than a snail surrounded by salt it didn't really make it much easier.
3. Name a skill you learned in media arts this semester and how you could use it in

    a) Next school year:  (2 marks)
I learned how to use the various programs like illustrator, Photoshop, etc. This can help me next year with other classes that use those programs like maybe another media arts thing.
    b) A future career: (2 marks)
I learned how to use video editing software. This could help me in a potential future career of animation. I have a few other ideas but I really like animation so I was leaning more towards that. I had very little knowledge about editing before but now I have a much clearer understanding about it.
4. Choose one project that you didn’t do too well on. Write three things you could do to improve it. (3 marks)
Again the "CaNew Friends on the Grand" project. I could have asked for a clearer understanding of what it was about so I could make logos that actually represented it. I also could have put a lot more effort into it. Instead of just handing in some thing I just didn't care to try and make better I could have tried to make it better. I also could have tried to get inspiration from my peers but not copy them. Just pure inspiration.
5. Write about your experience working in a group. 
    a) What role did you play? Were you a leader, listener, creative director, technical expert, props manager? Were you the one that was always present in class and doing work outside of class? Were you the one that had difficult contributing? Write at least three points about how you worked in your groups. If you did not work in a group, write about why you did not and three points about why you chose to work alone. (3 marks)
My "groups" were usually just Raven and I. I tried to make sure we both did 50% of the work but it almost always ended up with one of us doing more of something than another. When we were in a bigger group I was more of a listener than anything. I still tried to give my ideas but I prefer getting orders and not giving them. A lot of the time I was present every single day but around the end of it all I was constantly getting sick and couldn't go to school. I go every day now like I used to but there was a time when I couldn't come in for group stuff.
    b) What was positive about the experience (group or alone)? (2 marks)
We could get a lot more done in less time. Instead of just one person needing to work on everything all alone in a group the workload is shared by multiple people. If you are alone you could have an idea you think it the most amazing thing you've ever thought of but it could turn out to be really not. In a group you could get your partners to evaluate your idea and make sure everything turns out okay.
    c) What was negative about the experience (group or alone)? (2 marks)
I don't really like working with people outside of my group of friends. It makes me very uncomfortable. I can get used of it but at first it's just now my cup of tea. If you disagree with someones idea that can be really annoying. And if you work with someone difficult it doesn't really help either. 
6. Reflect on your time management in this course. 
    a) If you had to give yourself a mark out of "10", what would that mark be, if 10/10 was using each minute of each class to the fullest and not wasting time? (2 marks)
I'd give myself an 8/10. I'd usually work diligently but I'd get really distracted but some of the stupidest things ever. 
    b) What strategies will you employ in the future to maximize your efficiency in getting assignments completed on time? (3 marks)
I could force my self to stay on tasks instead of letting myself get distracted. I could also tell the people who distract me (---->)  to let me work for a while instead of just allowing them to do as they please. 

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