Wednesday 10 February 2016

Log Blog Assignment 3 Memes

  • Question #1  
  • What topic did you chose to explore?  
  • I chose memes.

  • Question #2  
  • Why did you chose this topic - was it a previous interest or would you like to learn more about it?
  • Memes are what the internet was made for. I don't care what you historians think it was made for. It was made for memes.

  • Question #3 
  • What are 3 examples of where you would find this type of media in your everyday life?
  • They are on the internet where ever you go especially 4Chan.
  • They are leaking into the mainstream media.
  • Some friends of yours like This guy always send you memes over the world wide web.

  • Question #4  
  • Using your chosen visual aid to answer, what purpose does this media serve and who is the target audience (who are they trying to reach- mothers, kids, students, wealthypoor, etc.)?
  • The target audience is politicians and other memers. Who doesn't love a good donald trump meme. 

  • Question # 5  
  • Why did you chose the specific visual aid and how does it best represent your chosen topic?   
    • This is a very rare PEPE meme. Memes can be combined with anything or they can be found on their own because they are that good. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! I enjoyed reading this post! However, most memes tend to follow a pattern- a picture with words on it, usually white block letters. What you have here are GIFs (short video on a loop). I liked the link you provided to Raven's site - sneaky! 8/10
